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Welcome to Multiplex Biotechnology Laboratory!

Our lab is primarily focused on advanced single-cell proteomics technologies and single-cell systems biology. The long-term goal of our research is to implement single-cell proteomics technologies in the clinic to advance precision medicine and personalized medicine, and to make treatment outcome predictable. Protein-level signaling and biomarker studies with the single-cell resolution are expected to address key obstacles in the diagnostics and therapeutics of systematic diseases such as cancer, sepsis, autoimmune diseases, Alzheimer’s diseases, and Parkinson’s disease. In particular, we are working on portable cytometry-like microdevices that exceed the power of existing cytomters. Since the size of animal cells is at the micro scale, microchip platforms are employed to facilitate single-cell manipulation and biomolecule detection. Those microdevices are fabricated in our lab by photolithography. Integration with a highly multiplexed, miniaturized biosensor array into the microdevices enables assays of both secreted cytokines, membrane proteins and intracellular proteins from individual cells.

Recent news:

  • Liwei's paper is published in Analytical Chemistry. We claim the highest multiplexity in single-cell protein assays. -10/2024

  • MBL welcome Shuo Yin and Shuo Liang joining our lab! - 5/2024

  • We received an NIGMS R35 grant to support the MIST-omics technology development. - 1/2024

  • MBL welcome Clark and Jason joining our lab! Amazing undergraduate students on computer programming. - 10/2023

  • We received an NIDDK R21 grant to support single-cell spatial proteomics study of kidney diseases. -9/2023

  • Welcome new students Ryusei Miyanaga, Jong Won HanElaine Chang and Eungyeong Kim joining our lab. - 9/2023

  • Arafat's paper is published in Biosensors. 8/2023

  • Liwei's paper is published in Analytical Chemistry. 5/2023

  • Welcome Vadana and Long joining our lab! 2022

  • Liwei's paper is published in Nature Communications. We can routinely measure hundreds of proteins in single cells. 6/2022

  • Rev and Liwei paper is published in Analytical Chemistry. 3/2022

  • Welcome Arafat Meah to do rotation in our lab! - 1/2022

  • We received an NIA R21 grant. -1/2022

  • Spatial MIST can rapidly analyze dozens of markers. Check out our preprint paper. -1/2022

  • Single-cell MIST technology enables analysis of >450 proteins in single immune cells. Check out our preprint paper. -1/2022

  • Dr. Wang is promoted to tenured Associate Professor. - 9/2021

  • Welcome Ryusei, Jialin, Shenglai and Zhiyi joining our lab! - 8/2021

  • We received an NIAID R21 grant! -7/2021

  • We demonstrate we are able to measure hundreds of proteins in single cells. Check our preprint paper. -6/2021

  • Thanks to LILAC 2021 Cancer Research Equipment Grant Award. -6/2021

  • Welcome Jesse and Rev joining our lab! - 5/2021

  • Congratulations to Avery Ball and Zhuo jie Liu receiving MS degree! -5/2021 

  • We received an NIH R21 grant. With that, we expand our research to the Alzheimer's Disease area. -3/2021

  • Mohammed received PhD degree! He will be VICTOIRE postdoctoral fellow at University of Toronto. Congratulations to great achievements! -1/2021

  • Welcome Avery, Zhuo jie, Shiffoni and Tessa to join our lab!

  • Mohammed's paper is published in Lab on a Chip! A neuron chip has been developed to study how neural stem cells are differentiated and neurons communicate. 9/2020

  • Jingxin's paper is accepted by Analytical Chemistry! This FAIRS paper introduces a one-step, rapid sandwich ELISA procedure for detection of antigens through fluorogenic click chemistry. -12/2019

  • Liwei and Justin's paper is accepted by Proteomics! - 11/2019

  • Mohammed's paper is accepted by ACS Sensors! It introduces an ultra simple method to analyze multiple cytokines in single cells. -8/2019

  • Our group has moved to the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Stony Brook University. -8/2019

  • Mohammed is selected by NSF NYC Region I-Corp program.  -2/2019

  • Group dinner. Welcome to new members! -12/2018

  • A spin-off company, CytoMIST, LLC, is just started! It aims to revolutionize molecular diagnosis technologies by moving proteomics level cytometry to the clinic and innovating device-free biomarker detection with ultra-fast response. More importantly, make ultra-high multiplex single-cell analysis accessible and affordable to all biomedical researchers!  -11/2018

  • Sirsendu's paper is accepted by ACS Sensors! This proof-of-concept paper demonstrates a multiplex, point-of-care diagnosis cytometry for <$100 that has comparable power with conventional cytometry for >$500K. -11/2018

  • We thank NIH for generous R01 grant  awarded to our lab. This grant enables us to continue the cutting-edge research on single-cell proteomics. Also thank Dr. Igor Kuznetsov and Dr. Minsoo Kim for collaboration! -8/2018

  • Kris's paper is accepted by Advanced Science! The most recent impact factor is 12.4. -7/2018

  • We thank NYSTEM grant for supporting our research! - 2018

    We deeply appreciate the support of our research by 

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